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Vancouver Riot Kissing Couple Photos


Vancouver Riot Kissing Couple Photos - at the  In the midst of carnage down in Vancouver after the city's hockey team lost Stanley Cup finals, a couple embracing in a romantic reach.

Couples who identified as Canadian and Australian girlfriend Alexandra Thomas Scott Jones.

when they were interviewed, the couple said they were 'totally stunned' by how their behavior has been seen all over the world.

The street scene in the couple lying together in the street while Vancouver exploded around them following the defeat of a local ice hockey team in the Stanley Cup finals by the Boston

Kissing couple with a background of violence in Vancouver after the team defeated the city Bruins 4-0 to complete the play-off series 4-3
"When I first saw it, I thought," No way, it's not ... I do not believe that we are ', "said Miss Thomas.
"Then I looked again and realized, that is us. That's a very revealing picture of us."

Scott Jones and Alex Thomas said to surprise their new found fame

"We rolled over, and I just tried to calm him down, because as I'm sure you can imagine, he was a bit confused,"

As a couple they spoke for the first time, new video emerged moments before the kiss became famous around the world.

Miss Thomas is a recent graduate of the University of Guelph in Ontario.

Mr Jones' father Brett said today that the couple 'totally overwhelmed' by all the coverage they receive.
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